Currently nerding out over…
Stalking communications and terrorism manifestos
Marvin Acklin, Kailey Topping, Julia Kupper & Reid Meloy — Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
Going dark redux: the 2018 Capital Gazette mass murder
Reid Meloy & Julia Kupper — Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
Decoding terrorism: an interdisciplinary approach to a lone-actor case
Julia Kupper, Marie Bojsen-Møller, Tanya Karoli Christensen, Dakota Wing, Marcus Papadopulos & Sharon Smith — Cambridge University Press
Julia Kupper & Miro Dittrich — Accelerationism Research Consortium
How language analysis can enhance threat assessment
Julia Kupper — The Maze: Fixated Risk Management Bulletin
Practical forensic and tactical linguistics in investigations
Julia Kupper — ASIS International Security Management
Special report: analysis of Ryan Palmeter’s targeted violence manifesto
Julia Kupper — Accelerationism Research Consortium [available upon request for law enforcement and intelligence agencies]
Julia Kupper & Reid Meloy — Global Network on Extremism & Technology
The Hanau terror attack: unraveling the dynamics of mental disorder and extremist beliefs
Julia Kupper, Patricia Cotti & Reid Meloy — Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
Terrorgram's first saint: analyzing accelerationist terrorism in Bratislava
Julia Kupper, Kacper Rekawek & Matthew Kriner — Accelerationism Research Consortium
Julia Kupper & Miro Dittrich — Global Network on Extremism and Technology
Julia Kupper & Stephen White — Work Trauma Services Inc.
Julia Kupper, Tanya Karoli Christensen, Dakota Wing, Marlon Hurt, Matthew Schumacher & Reid Meloy — Perspectives on Terrorism
Preventing attacks using targeted violence manifestos
Julia Kupper — FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
The venomous rhetorical web of far-right terrorists
Julia Kupper — Global Network on Extremism and Technology
Julia Kupper & Reid Meloy — Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
Words of suicide: identifying suicidal risk in written communications
Amendra Shrestha, Nazar Akrami, Lisa Kaati, Julia Kupper & Matt Schumacher — IEEE Xplore
Snapshot: threatening communication (2021)
This infographic provides a visual snapshot of a linguistic threat analysis of an open-source manifesto, including an application of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18).
Linguistic comparison: manifestos of extremists (2020)
This infographic highlights shared themes of five right-wing manifestos written by violent extremists. Thematic similarities and differences are presented in a tabular view. All findings are derived from the content of the manifestos.
Linguistic comparison: suicide notes vs. manifestos (2019)
This infographic discusses linguistic similarities and differences of suicide notes and manifestos. It highlights common and contrasting themes, as well as distinctive features in production and distribution, illustrated by real-life examples.
[Coming soon] PBS Frontline film & Deutsche Welle (ARD/ARTE) documentary
The Conversation: Christchurch attacks 5 years on: terrorist’s online history gives clues to preventing future atrocities (article, March 2024)
The Guardian: ‘You will not replace us’: a deadly attack on a Slovakian gay bar – and its link to a fast-spreading racist ideology (news article, January 2024)
U.S. Department of Defense, the Defense Personnel and Security Research Center, The Threat Lab: BLUF Targeted Violence (newsletter, June 2023)
MHS, Public Safety: The Hanau Terror Attack (newsletter, June 2023)
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals, D.C. Mid-Atlantic Chapter: Contagion and Copycat Effects in Terrorism (newsletter, April 2023)
Association of European Threat Assessment Professionals: Linguistics (newsletter, Spring 2023)
VICE: Nazi Shooting on LGBTQ Bar May Not Have Been a ‘Lone Wolf’ Attack After All (news article, March 2023)
Association of European Threat Assessment Professionals: Follow-up on the TRAP-18 (newsletter, Autumn 2021)